Expand your vocabulary

Use the world around you as teaching materials.

It is important to remember the names of the things that are in your daily life. First, take pictures of what you use daily in your room (or house) and create cards for categories such as “Tableware,” “Furniture,” ”Clothing,” “Food,” and so on.

Take photos of fun memories and use them as teaching materials.

The experience of going out is likely to be fun and memorable. Connect your experiences with words to increase your vocabulary. For example, you can learn words like “park,” “slide,” “swing,” “amusement park” and “merry-go-round.” If your child and other members of your family are also in the photos, they will become fun, personal and original teaching materials.

Use photos to learn how to address your family and friends.

Let's make cards for people your child knows. Mom, Dad, brothers, sisters, teachers, etc. It's also fun to use the names of animals, such as dogs and cats.

Understanding classification

Let's use folders to understand classification.

One of the special features of this app is that you can create folders freely. If you can hear words, you can learn how to classify them naturally. However, hearing-impaired children need to learn this consciously. For example, "apple" is a friend of "fruit," but also a friend of "red" and "round." Let's use folders to teach them about classification.

Classification into large, medium and small categories make words easier to remember.

Let's say you have the task of “let's write the names of 30 kinds of fruit.” In what order will you write them? They may be difficult to remember at random, but easier to remember if you categorize them as "red fruit," "round fruit," or "winter fruit." In addition to memorizing words, this facilitates an understanding of concepts such as "color," "shape" and "season."


This app can be used for audible children.

This app can also be used for audible children. The purpose of this app is to make it easier to remember words using images. This is true not only for hearing-impaired children, but also for audible children. It is also important to learn words by reading and writing them on paper, but if you (or your child) can't learn them just by writing, try the app.